What are the best Growth Hacking ideas for B2B?

I wonder myself, why so many Growth Hackers ask especially for „Growth Hacks for b2b„? Is there really a difference? Between what – SaaS, B2C, B2B? Anyway – I try to grab this topic and want to give you a series of Growth Hacks and ideas how to grow your userbase within a b2b company. Ready to start? Cool.

 Offer a Free-Trial / Freemium package

I know that most companies have problems to start a free offer, because they have fear to loose direct sales. „Why should we have a free offer or free-trial on our website, when there are customers who want to pay from the beginning on,  today?“ Good question so far….

A good Growth Hacker would answer, „Do you know, how many users don´t register and leave your site, because the paid package(s) don´t fit their needs for whatever reason?“ I think a very good answer, or what do you think?

Never compete with Free

Anyway, there is a unwritten rule of the Product-Market Fit.

„Never compete with free.“

Means, when your competitors have a free offer or free-trial on their website it will be hard to compete, because users have nothing to loose when starting with a free package. With a good product value and a well-defined onboarding cycle you can get more registrations, and more paid users in the end. Not easy, but better than loosing users on the website because not having an easy-entry package like a free / free-trial.

Still waiting for the Free/Free-Trial Growth Hack?

You think, ok fine but where is the Growth Hack? No problem – two ideas:

  1. Please start your AB-testing engine (I would recommend something CMS-based like optimizely to have no programmatical efforts) and add a Free-Offer Button on your pricing-page. To make it easy, you should consider as Call-to-Action something like „You want to test our product? No problem just send an email.“ The AB-test counts the free-registration emails on the one hand and hopefully the conversions and revenues of the existing (not edited) paid packages.
  2. To have really no impact on the existing paid package conversions you could trigger an exit intend pop-up, before the user wants to leave your website. The pop-up content should be the same call-to-action „Stop, don´t leave, send us an email to get a free-trial.“

What do you think – can you convince your boss with this valid numbers of users who want to test your product instead of leaving your website and checking out the competitors´websites? Please let us know…

More Growth Hacks for B2B coming soon….

    • How to Promote your B2B SaaS
    • Gather email-subscribers with free content
    • Build APIs for Growth Hacking
    • Integrate Live-Chats
    • Implement a „Tell a friend“ program

Featured picture by rawpixel

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