Der Growth Hacking Podcast mit Hendrik Lennarz.

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How COVID has changed us – Interview with Aljan de Boer

What has changed in Human Behavior since the beginning of lockdown? How will home office change gender roles at home and more importantly, how are our needs and values changing when Covid is over?

Aljan de Boer is the Head of Inspiration at TrendsActive – an international trend consultancy, that turns sociocultural trends into actionable strategies to ensure brand relevance. Aljan explains why it’s important to differenciate between behavior and the inner needs & values in order to understand what exactly has changed in our society since the beginning of the pandemic…

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Clubhouse Invites & Follower – Was du wissen musst

Oh mein Gott – was ein Hype. Seit nur 2 Tagen bin ich auch bei Clubhouse und verspüre schlimmes FOMO – Fear of missing out. Man muss schon sagen, wow – das habe ich das letzte Mal bei der Initiative-Q erlebt. Und auch da war der ausschlaggebene Growth Hacking Strategie die „Invite-Only“-Nummer.

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Extreme Revenue Growth with Chris Out

Imagine you had the chance to do a hundred experiments within your company in order to achieve Extreme Revenue Growth, knowing that only one of the hundred experiments would actually have a big outcome. Well, not as easy as you might think…

Chris Out developed a Cheat Sheet which helps companies to find that 1 percent that drives over 50 percent of extra revenue.

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